Peep Jousting

Peep joust warriors The tradition of Peeps. Marshmallows extruded out into rows of chick and bunny shapes. Doused in a neon sugar with an acrid bitter aftertaste, then boxed, wrapped, and then presented to children for Easter. Beloved by sugar fiends, kiddies, and few others. I can't stomach them, and barely consider them to be in the food category. Often found in their own display in the store away from the other candy and snacks. Peculiar. Try Peep jousting instead of eating them. A fun way to get rid of them, and pass time with the game loving family on the holiday. Peep Jousting Rules 1) You will need two teams. Its helpful to form the teams around the color of your Peeps. Pink versus green, yellow versus purple. Its harder to determine the winner if your Peeps are the same color. 2) Each team will position their peep on half of a toothpick or lance. Its helpful if a third party is available to judge that both peeps are evenly positioned. Peeps with more lance territory have a...