Braised Lamb Shoulder with Root Vegetables
Before I put the blog in summer grilling gear I still have a little spring to get through. Spring is tricky. Fresh vegetables are going in the ground, and ramps, leeks, pea shoots, and few other new items turn up at the farmer's market, but its still a wintry landscape. Cheese, meat, eggs, honey, and root vegetables are abundant. Its also still chilly here, well sometimes its 40 degrees and sometimes its 75. You know, normal global climate change stuff. Lamb is always my favorite. Its not gamy. I swear you should revisit it if you have not already. A lot of cuts of lamb (shank, leg etc.) are large and suited for a large meal. Then lamb shoulder chop is a dinner size cut. Its also a pretty good value. Lamb can be moist and flavorful or tough and awful. Braise, braise, braise. This is not quite a weeknight meal, but do as I do, cook on the Sunday for the week ahead. Braised Lamb Shoulder with Root Vegetables 4 lamb shoulder chops salt and pepper 2 cloves garlic, crushed