Baked Tofu Jerky

Tofu seems like a bland character-less chunk to those unfamiliar with its true virtues. But those qualities are what make it strong. "Bland" tofu can be flavored in any thousands of combinations you can make up. Pressing water out makes room to let marinades and spices in. Usually I pan fry my tofu, but I can give all the credit to Corinne for telling me about baked tofu. Its less hands on then frying, but a takes a little longer. The results can range from steak-like to jerky- esque . I really enjoy jerky style. Allowing the tofu to cook longer makes it a little chewy. After most of the water is baked out the spices practically stand on their own two legs and walk. They are alive! Plus its pretty nearly dry which means you can put it in your pocket and do something. A great snack, or a meal out of the oven. Nifty. I like to spice my tofu with cumin. The earthiness enhances the umami side of flavors. Baked Tofu Jerky 1 large block of extra firm tofu, sliced 1/2 inch...