Ditmas Park CSA Week 6

Big stuff in week 6 from the Ditmas Park CSA It's the week of the callaloo bigger than a raccoon/medium sized dog. Callaloo bigger than a small child. Callaloo big enough to curl up in bed with, not like it's gonna keep you warm. This bunch of callaloo is so big I tell you it takes up the entire bottom shelf of my fridge hiding the tupperware containers in a forest of leaves. Not to mention a large head of cabbage, that's also pretty big. Ditmas Park CSA Week 6 1 enormous head of callaloo 1 bunch of basil 1 head of cabbage 1 red onion 1 white onion 2 cucumbers 2 zucchinis 2 heas of garlic 1 yellow squash 1 bag of yellow wax beans 8 medium tomatoes 11 red sweet peppers 6 eggs