Ditmas Park CSA Week 18

Going going gone is the sun when I get back to Brooklyn after work. Its fall, and I'm okay with that if it means squash, hot peppers, and apples. Imagine the possibilities just those 3 ingredients promise. I'm waaaaaay to busy preparing for next week's Prospect Farm fundraiser to cook much. I will likely steam and roast it all and serve myself a personal sized of autumn vegetable cornucopia.

Week 18's CSA share

1 bunch parsley
1 bag arugula
2 onions
6 hot peppers
1 green pepper
5 apples
1 small bunch broccoli
1 eggplant
1 spaghetti squash
1 watermelon
8 medium to large potatoes

1/2 chicken, really cute and little
12 eggs


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