CSA Week #8

Usually I bag my veggies, but I needed a box this week.

My computer is back, the blog is back, and while I was away I cooked up a salty sultry summer set of recipes for a weekend at Fire Island and my birthday. Coming soon: Opulent ribs, ginger beer, pretzel and peanut chocolate chip cookies, pickles, pickles, pickles, cookies with a pound of chocolate, my newest hummous, olive tapanade, red slaw, watermelon lemonade, and oh my so many more. Makes my stomach full to remember about it all.

The most important summer event is still my CSA pick-up every other week. Last week brought eggplants and melon for the first time. Cantaloupe for Cantaloupe Alone! No recipes there, I'm just having it for breakfast. Total haul:

Tomatoes: beefsteak and roman
Yellow wax beans
A gigantic head of red cabbage
Green peppers
Corn on the cob
Yellow Potatoes


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